Building the Bower

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. -Rumi

I am flying still, miles out. From my distant, high vantage point I can see preparations are underway. I cannot see the details, but the outlines, the broad strokes are there. The art market is being built. Already, I feel the pull towards Proutopia - to something beautiful, familiar and yet I know it will also be different, as it is every year.

Mie and Chris



The Bower is under construction in the art market. Its purpose is to attract all that is beautiful and desired. And all that is desired is indeed beautiful: people, art, music, good food, good wishes. I can not yet reveal its precise location, but I can tell you that it is there. When you come to Proutopia, you will find it. You will be drawn to it.

But, it will be incomplete.

It will be incomplete because it is designed to draw not only you, but your deepest wishes, your sweetest longings. And so you are invited to bring them with you (not that you don’t carry them in your heart everywhere you go, so how could you not?) 
Bring them to the Bower. Give them the form of a flower, a trinket, a note, any artful thing. 


When you think of the thing that makes your heart sing, or the outcome you most wish for, 

what colour beams from it? Is it yellow? Is it purple? Is it red? Use that colour in making or when gathering your “artful thing” and then, when you bring it to the Bower, lay it down amongst those wishes that are its “colour-companions,” and all of us together, the flock, we will create something truly powerful. 

What you seek is already seeking you. -Rumi

Longing for home,
WK p.p.

(I will see you at the art market. You’ll find all you need to know about tickets and times in the links below.)



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