Duck, Duck ... BOOTS!

As I have stated earlier in my missives, I prefer a dry roost. And Proutopia is the fairest of homes, always warm, always welcoming.

The sun shines unfailingly in Proutopia. That’s because we have our own solar star: Helios, who is always sunny ... rain or shine. I believe that makes him far more reliable than his skybound counterpart who is prone to disappearing at the sight of a mere cloud.
from Heidi's sketchbook
But what happens at Proutopia if there are more than a few wisps of white or grey dancing around like feathers in that great blue sky? What if those clouds come bearing duck weather in the form of a downpour? 
Fear not. We art birds are plucky. We slip on our duck boots, unfurl our umbrellas and we gamely carry on. In fact, we would propose that Proutopia is even more fun when it rains. Weeks, months, even years later, the tales told of bravery and perseverance in the face of such adversity are positively mythic.

You just have to be there.

So dear Proutopians, pack your umbrellas, bring your rubber boots, slip your slicker into your day pack. No matter what the weather, our artists in their market booths will be ready for you. Butter tarts will be savoured. Songs will be sung. There will be merriment even if it does rain on our parade(s). (Have your cameras ready, there’s one at the start of each day!)

My spirits remain undampened.

Your always reliable avian correspondent,

Wendy King p.p. (pigeon post)

You can get your advance tickets, rain or shine, by clicking on the links below. $10 at the gate.



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