Not an Odd Duck, Exactly: Cathy Sutton - Nepenthe Studio

I have, as the crow flies, covered much ground. And now I encounter a very strange bird indeed, and multi-media artist Cathy Sutton of Nepenthe Studio has embraced this creature:

I'd be a seldom heard-of breed called the Brazen Babbler. They will try anything and talk about it at great length.

Little to nothing is known or is actually written about the Brazen Babbler. Therefore I will refer to the only available source on this subject, a dubious field guide (circa 1885) which is widely regarded as “utterly fictional claptrap” by both respected ornithologists and amateur birds fanciers alike: The Compleat Aviary by Sir Arthur Downy-Plumish O.B.E. (Order of the Birdish Empire).

The Brazen Babbler is described by Downy-Plumish as follows: 
"This bird engages in several quirky behaviours and can be easily identified by its inclination to strut, adorned with its somewhat strange but alluring headgear, giving it its 'brazen' appellation. This bird displays an unusual propensity to surround itself with shiny 'objets d’arts.' When given an opening, it will, as its common name suggests, babble incessantly. It is a bird which takes the long view."

Cathy also loves “strange but alluring headgear” as well as mitts, particularly of the hand-felted variety, which she will be selling along with the handmade jewellery produced in her Winnipeg Beach studio:

Three decades as an artists has led me to the media I adore.  Fire and water, hammer and anvil marry precious metals with twinkling gemstones to the delight of my dedicated and growing following.  My hand-felting process allows me to design and create hats, mitt, and gloves to keep you warm in the coldest weather.

And like the Babbler, she takes the long view:

My art pieces are Heirlooms of Tomorrow and the human body is my gallery. Each piece of art is as unique as the living form it adorns.

Cathy derives great satisfaction from her work:
My heart sings when I finish a piece and 
hold it, look at it and feel it.
And she recognizes that her customers share that same enjoyment:
In my bower I would have drawings of odd birds, lovely felted odds and ends and things that sparkle and glitter - perhaps a nice assortment of gemstones. One can never have too many and I would attract countless individuals who agree.
Cathy’s art market booth is easy to find. Just look for the fancy headgear.

Thinking about a hat and still winging it.
Your dedicated deliverer of all things Proutopian,

Wendy King p.p. (pigeon post)

All things Proutopian can be found by clicking on our links. Find all our artists in the flipbook and how to buy advance $5 tickets online. Tickets are $10 at the gate.



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